How Server Virtualisation Can Save Your Business Money
No matter how big, busy or prosperous a business is, every smart business owner knows that saving money that doesn’t have to be spent, or can be spent in better ways is critical to sustainable success and maximum growth. A key area that you can save money and turbo-charge your technology investments is with server virtualisation. It’ll give you maximum value from your computers, there will be less actual computers that you have to buy, and well planned server virtualisation is the perfect antidote for way too much spending IT support.
Cost Saver One: The rate of technological development makes mass investment in computers an unneccesary and unwise expense. Most businesses will require a range of operating systems, and many business owners buy multiple computers to run each system, on the mistaken belief that the computers will run better with only one system on them. This is not true, and its an expensive mistake to make. One or two computers that are set up to run multiple operational systems make better business sense, because you will look after them better and they will live longer, and you’ll get maximum value from them.
Cost Saver Two: You will be able to trial and select the best operating systems and program for your busines needs. A probably virtualised machine can enable multiple operating systems to run effectively, without clashing with other programs, or scrambling your files by saving them in a range of different forms. This means that you can run multiple software trials on a computer without it dramatically slowing down the every day processes you’ll need the machine to fulfill. A computer running several program that hasn’t been virtualised will barely let you check email!
Cost Saver Three: Your machines will work harder for you. This is similar to that old management principle, which is better – two part time employees or one full time employee who is deeply invested? Everyone will tell you the one full time employee is easier to manage and look after, and costs less. One employee means you need a desk, two computers means you need two sets of cables, of routers, of modem ports, and you may even need to get more powerpoints installed when you business begins to grow.
Cost Saver Four: Server virtualisation is an investment, rather then a one off expense. In today;s increaing online e-commerce world. Investing in one powerful computer/server/power processor and a regular maintainance program (usually programmable software that automatically clears the reigstry of obsolete files) is a better investment then multiple computers. Not just because of the amount you’ll save on electricity bills and cooling systems but also the amount you’ll save on computer support because you’ll have fewer machines that you look after well.
Server virtualisation saves businesses money, and a well planned virtualisation system that has it’s maintainence programmed into the servers everyday work will save you business thousands. Not only that, but it makes for a neater office that is easier to clean, and better staff efficiency as they wont need to be emailing/copying files from one computer to another.
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