Server Virtualisation recipes

How Server Virtualisation Can Save Your Business Money

No matter how big, busy or prosperous a business is, every smart business owner knows that saving money that doesn’t have to be spent, or can be spent in better ways is critical to sustainable success and maximum growth. A key area that you can save money and turbo-charge your technology investments is with server virtualisation. It’ll give you maximum value from your computers, there will be less actual computers that you have to buy, and well planned server virtualisation is the perfect antidote for way too much spending IT support.

Cost Saver One: The rate of technological development makes mass investment in computers an unneccesary and unwise expense. Most businesses will require a range of operating systems, and many business owners buy multiple computers to run each system, on the mistaken belief that the computers will run better with only one system on them. This is not true, and its an expensive mistake to make. One or two computers that are set up to run multiple operational systems make better business sense, because you will look after them better and they will live longer, and you’ll get maximum value from them.
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What is Server Virtualisation?

Server virtualisation is a broad term that describes a host of technologies that enable one computer, or server to run multiple operating systems at once. This means that you get the most out of your investment in a computer, because the one piece of machinery can run the complete range of independent operating systems to cover everything you may need from your computer. This means that one actual server, can do the work of many through different operating systems, which saves you hassle, money and calls to IT support when a server goes on the blink, because you’ll have one rather than multiple servers. While server virtualisation is not the wisest move for software that requires considerable memory and RAM to run, several smaller applications can work very well on a virtualised server.

Why would you invest in server virtualisation?
Server virtualisation saves money: You don’t need to buy multiple servers and you won’t need to power multiple servers. Server virtualisation enables you to fully utilise your computers, and running multiple servers on the one machines means you avoid the common issue of cluttering hardware running different systems, and the cost of maintaining and cooling multiple computers is considerable, and unnecessary.
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