Should you get a laptop?
Over the last decade, laptops have risen in quality, availability and dropped in price, to the point where everyone seems to have one. But just because everyone else is doing it is never reason enough for the smart business person, so we’ve put together this list of pros and cons for choosing to between a laptop and a desktop computer, so you can pick the right one for your needs and not be constantly calling IT support to complain.
One of the obvious points in favour of the laptop is it’s portability. You can pack up your main business tool and slip it in a case and into your bag as easily you can your mobile phone. If your job requires significant amounts of travel, either international or domestic then being able to take your work with you, in it’s entirety is a smart move. It’s important to ensure you buy a laptop with remote internet capabilities, but this feature is now a given for the vast majority of designs.
Otherwise you can plug your laptop into an ethernet.
Battery-dependent devices
Your desktop computer will run on electricity, easily obtained from a wall socket. But your laptop will probably run on a bit of both, there will be hours during the day when the laptop is taken across the office, into meetings, across to colleagues desks etc and then require recharging.
Backing up your files
No smart business person would leave their files isolated on one computer or device without an online or digitial back up, or even simple a printed copy. Because of the amount of movement and different conditions are laptop will go through, its essential you back up your files. Try to get in a daily procedure of saving and backing up all the newer documents.
Memory and programs
In general, laptop computers have less RAM and will run a bit slower, faster. Make sure you consider your computers processor, and ask your salesperson, or friends who are already using their laptops a similar amount to your predicted usage what their feedback is on the processor and RAM requirements. This is just techy, computer speak, the processor and memory capacity will define how many programs you can run, and at what speed. Choosing wisely here will save you money that you’d otherwise spend on computer support installing extra memory on your laptop, which is more complicated and expensive then on a desk top.
Depending on the range of computers you are looking at, a desk top computer will usually be cheaper then a laptop, because of the extra features such as durability and the reliance on your laptops battery. You will need to assess whether the extra use you’ll achieve from a laptop is worth the extra investment.
Screen size is one of the factors that people forget to consider until after they’ve purchased their device, often because they buy online, or forget to take the time to focus on whether the screen is easy to see.
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