4 Ways to Boost Efficiency in the Office

How smoothly an office runs has a lot to do with the success of your business. Regardless of how great your business plan may be, the administrative quagmires that arise need to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently in order to keep those wheels of industry turning. While the brains of your outfit might happen out in the field or stock market, the heart and soul happens right there between the office walls, which is why you need to ensure efficient practices are in place. We’ve put together a list of five actions you can take to boost productivity and make your office run more efficiently. From a quality business IT support service to a proactive approach to management, you can have the running of your office down to a fine art.


One of the reasons many offices suffer problems with stalled productivity is that they fail to have protocols in place to guide workers in their tasks. While micromanagement doesn’t help anyone, neither does having a brilliant worker who knows his job like the back of his hand but is the only one who can do it. what happens if he gets hit by a bus? Established templates and protocols are essential, otherwise your office relies on individuals, rather than the team as a whole.


Sounds simple, right? You’d be amazed at how many offices are structured (both physically and figuratively) in a way that defies all common sense. Seat departments together. Implement a consistent and simple filing system. Define roles so that jobs aren’t doubled up or worse, slip through the cracks.

Staff Satisfaction

Keeping your staff content may not seem like a fast track to a streamlined office, but it is. Retaining long term staff boosts productivity and efficiency because it means avoiding the stop-and-start process of hiring, rehiring and training new staff every few months. Offices can usually cope with one staff member leaving, because the new member can learn on the fly from his or her colleagues. When two or three at a time are leaving due to dissatisfaction, however, real problems develop and valuable resources are wasted.

Well-Run IT Systems

You’d be hard-pressed to find a legal business these days that didn’t operate at least in part online. From construction businesses to childcare centres and dentists, everyone is online, and a reliable, functioning network is of paramount importance. One of the biggest hurdles to efficiency in an office is unreliable equipment, be it networking issues, server problems or outdated equipment that is incapable of supporting the data it needs to. Invest in the services of a good IT support service to ensure that A) your equipment is in excellent working order and B) if there is a problem, it’ll only affect productivity for the shortest amount of time.

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