Social Media and Your Business

Computers and interacting online are no longer only the domain of super-smart IT support workers. Through the infinite capabilities of the Internet, almost everyone in the developed world has an online presence in some shape or form, or at least relies on the web to get information. One element of the online world which has really driven this is the world of social media. Facebook, Twitter, blogging and YouTube are all examples of social media, and they are fast becoming the most appealing avenues for businesses who want to keep their marketing strategies relevant.


Twitter is a great tool for businesses, both to establish an online presence and let the world know what’s going on in their company, and to monitor conversations that are going on about their brand. This is particularly useful in damage mitigation, because if people are dissatisfied with your services, they now have a much larger forum in which to air their grievances. Twitter enables you to be quickly alerted if there is a disgruntled consumer and act swiftly to resolve the issue. One scenario which springs to mind is an incident in which a customer waiting in line at a branch of the Commonwealth Bank tweeted his displeasure at the length of the queues. A marketing monitor for the bank saw the tweet, contacted the branch and the manager himself was able to see the man straight away.


With over 500,000,000 users, Facebook is a medium you can’t afford to ignore. Facebook gives your company a more personal feel, and in a world where the personalisation of brands is happening all around, you want to be able to tap into that resource. Facebook is also a great way to gauge public sentiment around your brand, as well as to advertise your services. Facebook advertising can be very profitable for a business, particularly because you can control which demographics your advertisements target.


Blogging is here to stay, and it is one of the quickest ways to let people know more about your company. It’s also a great way to boost your search engine rankings, and to offer some free advice on related subjects. A blog is a much less formal way of communicating with consumers, and if you have something interesting to say, people will read it.

Getting involved in social media is something that more and more big businesses are cottoning onto every day. It may be a little daunting at first, but it is something that can grow and evolve over time. Your computer support service can help you with the technical side of things, and by following the example of other businesses and finding your own unique voice, you’ll soon develop strategies which work for you.

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