Mac vs. PC – The Digital Divide

There is no doubt about it that the Mac vs. PC debate has reached new height as Apple’s sales figures continue to soar, and they release waves of ads that blatantly label the tried and tested PC brand antiquated and well, uncool. But if one looks past the hype, there is still a clear difference between Mac and PC computers, and it’s important to work out which one is best for your needs, rather then just opting for the good looking one, or choosing the other one because it must have something more to it. You don’t need to be a computer expert, a software designer, work in IT support or live and breathe technology to indentify the differences between the computer tribes. Below are the main differences between Macs and PC’s.

Macs are safer then PCs.
Apple has invested millions in creating the most secure platform possible, that is immune from viruses, malware and all the nasties that your PC can contract before you even notice you’ve mis-clicked. PC owners face an often-inevitable battle against viruses, especially those with children who just don’t get not to click something that appears in a popup EVER. Mac’s are just safer from viruses, hackers and external attacks, and Apple constantly responds to new threats and has a lot invested in staying at the peak of the virus/malware battle. Not only that, but anyone who has switched from a PC to a Mac will be able to rave about the tiny but wonderful innovation of the magnetic power socket – so not only is the Mac safer from viruses and hackers, it’s all safer in the office because tripping over the cord wont cause a laptop fall and data obliteration.

PC’s are cheaper, to buy and to get fixed.
A lot of the debate around which computer is better comes down to value for money, which means that a Mac needs to be considerably better then it’s PC counterpart to compensate for the hefty price tag. While Mac enthusiasts argue that Macs’ maintain their value for longer, with the estimates claiming you can sell at 2 year old (well kept) Mac for 60% of what you paid for it it’s important to note the other prices that will get tacked onto a Mac once it’s yours. A big point of frustration for many Mac users, and a cause of smugness for many PC devotees is the need to spend another wad of cash every few years to upgrade your Mac to a new operating system. Not only that, but any Mac owner who has had a computer malfunction after the warranty can tell you that the maintenance prices certainly aren’t competitive.

Macs are more user friendly and have better all in one systems.
Without getting too technical, the general consensus (beyond just the marketing hype) is that Mac offers a better high end, more seamlessly integrated system for it’s users. This is complemented by the sleek Mac design, creating a better experience for the user. Macs also don’t spew error messages regularly, don’t demand professional computer support to be called in by filling your screen with number and letter babble, or freeze and need to be restarted. Especially for anyone who will need to work with graphic design, films and photography, a Mac computer is a better option.

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