Starting an Internet Business: What You Need To Know

So, you’ve had this idea for the longest time, but you don’t have a lot of spare cash to rent office space, a shopfront and still run at a profit, at least to begin with. One possible option that works for a lot of people in this situation is developing their business online first. The initial cash outlay is a lot less, making it a less risky endeavor, as well as one that can grow over time. Running an Internet business can be as diverse as importing and exporting goods, offering a specifically online service such as web copywriting or web design, or even selling your art or designs. The main idea is that you can run it from anywhere and deliver services on a needs basis. All you’ll need is some basic knowledge of maintaining a website, the help of a quality IT supportcompany and a great business idea. Here are a few things to consider:
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CATASTROPHE! What To Do When The Hard Drive Crashes

You didn’t think much of it at first. A few glitches here and there, a few times when it didn’t really seem 100%. You assumed it was just having a bad day, after all, we all do at some point. Then came the fateful morning when you tried to turn it on and nothing happened. Just a sad little death rattle and then unbearable silence. Of course, you rush it to your nearest computer support technician, and wait anxiously while he looks it over. When he emerges, a sad look in his eyes, resignedly shaking his head, you know the truth, but you have to hear him say it. “Is…Is there any hope?” you ask, eyes bright with manic desperation. “I’m sorry. It’s gone.”
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Setting Up A Website

No matter what your business is–the world we live in is such that if you’re not online, you may as well be invisible. Whether you own a cafe or a shopping mall, a forklift or a construction company, people just don’t flip through a phonebook anymore. They Google. Or at the very least, they flip through a phonebook ONLINE. Creating and maintaining a website for your company is not as daunting a task as it seems. If you don;t feel confident running it yourself, you can always acquire the services of a good computer support company or web design company who can not only get you up and running but make sure there are no big glitches either.
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Working From Home–Benefits and Disadvantages

How many time have you woken up, stretched, and thought–‘I wish I didn’t have to go into the office today!’ For some people, this is a reality, and their business can be conducted primarily from the comfort of their own home. If you’re a writer, artist, designer or photographer, along with a whole host of other less rigid careers, you probably have the option of operating as a sole trader and working from your house. With the Internet making instant communication a lot easier, even roles that traditionally were situated in offices can now be performed just as well from home. While the idea of not getting out of your pajamas to start work and being able to sit on your couch rather than an office chair might be hugely appealing to the average nine-to-fiver, there are some disadvantages as well, and it’s a decision that must be made on a case by case basis. Apart from a reliable computer support company (can’t have your link to the main office being severed!) and a strong work ethic, there are certain elements that have to be in place before you can successfully earn a living from home.
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4 Ways to Boost Efficiency in the Office

How smoothly an office runs has a lot to do with the success of your business. Regardless of how great your business plan may be, the administrative quagmires that arise need to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently in order to keep those wheels of industry turning. While the brains of your outfit might happen out in the field or stock market, the heart and soul happens right there between the office walls, which is why you need to ensure efficient practices are in place. We’ve put together a list of five actions you can take to boost productivity and make your office run more efficiently. From a quality business IT support service to a proactive approach to management, you can have the running of your office down to a fine art.
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When Disaster Strikes–IT Solutions For Getting Your Business Back on Track

These days, it seems the word ‘disaster’ is being used all too frequently. Of course, we often think of major natural disasters when we hear it, things like the tragic floods and cyclone that devastated Queensland recently. In terms of the world of IT, we use the term ‘disaster recovery’ to refer to any instance where the capability of a business to run is interrupted by an unforeseen event and your business IT support service is required to help resolve the issue. Things like the accidental loss or corruption of data, theft, hard drive failure or the failure of other server components, sabotage and of course floods, fire and other natural disasters as well all fall under the category of an IT or business ‘disaster’, and in terms of their ability to stop a business in its tracks, the results can often be catastrophic. This is why it is so crucial to have a quality IT support service that is able to solve problems and get your business back on the road to success in as short a time as possible.
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How to Choose a Web Hosting Provider

Unless you want to build your own web-server, you are going to need to buy a web hosting package, the place where your website will sit. This is the most common option for many business and can replace some measure of business IT support. There are some issues that you should think about…

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How to Build a Web Server

If you want to have all your business information accessible online where-ever you are, or you want to have your own server for your own website, you will have to build your own web server. If you have a little skill and ability to self-learn, this may be away for you to solve your needs without employing specialised business IT support – for some time anyway. Here is a general and simplified look at the steps…

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Finding the Best Managed Server For Your Business

Now that you have decided that you don’t want to employ your own IT support team, and have chosen to use a managed server for your business, you have to decide which company to use. How do you go about that, and how do you go about finding the right one for your business? Here are some important issues that will help you making the right choice.

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4 Reasons Why You Should Opt For a Managed Server

Are you noticing that more and more of the world is moving online? I mean companies that had offices 5 years ago are doing away with them. Do you run and own your own company and have never met any of your staff? Telecommuting is here to stay. With a shift in the way that we all know so well, from software and operating systems on our computers, to ‘cloud’ computing imminent, there are more reasons than ever to think about getting a managed server. Simply put, servers are one or more computers that you store all your information on to serve another number of computers and users. You could log -in online for example, from anywhere you want, to all your company information. Google uses it’s servers to store your Gmail. As it stands today, most business IT support, are recommending for the use of a managed servers. Let’s look at some of the reasons why…

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