The 5 Deadliest Computer Viruses

Some malicious software will just spy on your surfing habits, other viruses may just slow your computer down. Some of the simplest viruses have been very damaging. All of them waste your computer processing power and slow down you computer in one way or another. There have been quite a few viruses that have made fame for the amount of damage and destruction they have wreaked. Here is a look at arguably the top 5 deadliest viruses seen to date, in chronological order, not all of them are the direct damage causers, but they were all significant, being milestones and the first of their kind. All the more reason to be calling for  business IT support. If you have been using computers since Windows was launched, you might remember all of these.

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6 Tips to Avoid Computer Virus

We are all aware of the threat of constant virus attack on our personal or business computers. Just because your computer is saying that it is protected does not mean that you are – this is a common misconception. Your anti-virus software may say you are protected, and that it has completed a scan, and that your computer is clean when that is not the case. If your definitions are not up-to-date, your anti-virus software cannot see newer viruses. On top of that, your definitions may not include the latest and most damaging anti-virus definitions. Definitions are what allows your anti-virus software to see viruses. Each new virus must have a new definition or it is invisible to the program. In which case you are wide open for attack. Apart from never being on the internet, and never copying anything onto your computer, you will always be under threat. This is why you will need the best of the best software and if you are a business, you will need good business IT support.

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Top 3 Tips for Buying the Right Computer For Your Business

Warning: buying a computer for your business is different from buying a computer for yourself. Why? Because you’ll be using it for different tasks, you’ll require the computer to perform different functions, be used at a greater rate and maintain it’s value for longer. Below are the top 5 things to look for in a business computer. For more extensive, technical information, it’s worth the investment to speak to an expert in IT support, to ensure you purchase a computer with all the

Get a computer with a good CPU and ample memory:
CPU is the official name for the processor, the part of the computer that translates code into actions, and makes it all happen. The more capable and stronger a CPU is, the better the computer works. The more RAM the computer comes installed with, the better (faster and less errors) it will function in it’s later years when it begins to get full. Even with regular registry cleans, you will definitely feel a computer with limited RAM has limited capacity. A business will need more then the usual inbuilt storage capacity of an off the shelf computer, which can come with as little as 30GB, whereas a small business will need 150+GB.
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Mac vs. PC – The Digital Divide

There is no doubt about it that the Mac vs. PC debate has reached new height as Apple’s sales figures continue to soar, and they release waves of ads that blatantly label the tried and tested PC brand antiquated and well, uncool. But if one looks past the hype, there is still a clear difference between Mac and PC computers, and it’s important to work out which one is best for your needs, rather then just opting for the good looking one, or choosing the other one because it must have something more to it. You don’t need to be a computer expert, a software designer, work in IT support or live and breathe technology to indentify the differences between the computer tribes. Below are the main differences between Macs and PC’s.

Macs are safer then PCs.
Apple has invested millions in creating the most secure platform possible, that is immune from viruses, malware and all the nasties that your PC can contract before you even notice you’ve mis-clicked. PC owners face an often-inevitable battle against viruses, especially those with children who just don’t get not to click something that appears in a popup EVER. Mac’s are just safer from viruses, hackers and external attacks, and Apple constantly responds to new threats and has a lot invested in staying at the peak of the virus/malware battle. Not only that, but anyone who has switched from a PC to a Mac will be able to rave about the tiny but wonderful innovation of the magnetic power socket – so not only is the Mac safer from viruses and hackers, it’s all safer in the office because tripping over the cord wont cause a laptop fall and data obliteration.
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What to Look For When Buying a Personal Computer

Buying a personal computer is a big investment for most people. But because most computers will offer the basics so the process for selecting the best computer for your needs can be hard to work out without getting confused by sales people, who will sell you a wonderful computer that you will need multiple experts from IT support to set up for you. We’ve put together the big three questions you need to ask yourself when you’re looking for a computer. If you ask yourself all three of these questions, you will also have covered the technological basics you need to consider when purchasing a personal computer.

Why are you getting a computer? What do you need it for?
This is the most important step. The programs you need your computer to run define the CPU needs, the memory requirements, the hard drive capabilities and the networking requirements. You can read up on all of these technical terms, but any good computer consultant should be able to translate the amount of RAM into a summary of capabilities. If you’re using your computer for Internet, email and basic Microsoft office activities, most computers will be fine. But if you are using the computer for extensive photography and especially film creation, then you should pay special attention to the memory and CPU factors.
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Should you get a laptop?

Over the last decade, laptops have risen in quality, availability and dropped in price, to the point where everyone seems to have one. But just because everyone else is doing it is never reason enough for the smart business person, so we’ve put together this list of pros and cons for choosing to between a laptop and a desktop computer, so you can pick the right one for your needs and not be constantly calling IT support to complain.

One of the obvious points in favour of the laptop is it’s portability. You can pack up your main business tool and slip it in a case and into your bag as easily you can your mobile phone. If your job requires significant amounts of travel, either international or domestic then being able to take your work with you, in it’s entirety is a smart move. It’s important to ensure you buy a laptop with remote internet capabilities, but this feature is now a given for the vast majority of designs.
Otherwise you can plug your laptop into an ethernet.
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Is IP Video Surveillance Necessary?

Many businesses fail to factor into their business plan, and their early investments, until after they are robbed of the crucial tools needed for doing business in this modern age, computers.

Loss prevention and security is a key concern for businesses, especially in the start up stage where a loss of stock, or assets can cause serious issues for the business’s growth. Video surveillance is a strong deterrent for thieves, because film footage of their crime can dramatically increase their chances of being caught, and once arrested film footage is very strong evidence against the would-be criminals. Many amateur thieves will only break into properties that are clearly undefended, without cameras and easily accessible entries.
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How Server Virtualisation Can Save Your Business Money

No matter how big, busy or prosperous a business is, every smart business owner knows that saving money that doesn’t have to be spent, or can be spent in better ways is critical to sustainable success and maximum growth. A key area that you can save money and turbo-charge your technology investments is with server virtualisation. It’ll give you maximum value from your computers, there will be less actual computers that you have to buy, and well planned server virtualisation is the perfect antidote for way too much spending IT support.

Cost Saver One: The rate of technological development makes mass investment in computers an unneccesary and unwise expense. Most businesses will require a range of operating systems, and many business owners buy multiple computers to run each system, on the mistaken belief that the computers will run better with only one system on them. This is not true, and its an expensive mistake to make. One or two computers that are set up to run multiple operational systems make better business sense, because you will look after them better and they will live longer, and you’ll get maximum value from them.
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What to do when you computer crashes, and how to prevent it from happening again

Oh no! You’re computer crashed! How can you bounce back from this upset, and make sure that you’ve still got everything from programs to records to data that your business needs to run. Hitting it, shaking it, or tapping the device won’t fix anything, it’s not a machine where parts can fall out of place, and they definitely can’t be whacked back into alignment, so save yourself a battered computer and take a walk before you try to overcome the issue. It may not be necessary to call your providers computer support, but if your machine continues to have issues.

1. Work out why your computer crashed, and fix the problem.
If you’ve had your computer for a more then a few months, chances are you’ve become attune to the noises that it makes, the whirring, buzzing and clicking that shows it is thinking, starting up, shutting down or struggling. It’s important to stay aware of the mechanical noises your computer makes so that you can gauge when the computer is under stress. Computers can crash for many reasons, but the main ones are overheating, power surges and registry clutters or errors.
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Be Prepared! Designing a Disaster Recovery Plan

Many a successful, rapid growth business is spawned from a work laptop, the documents slowing cluttering up with ideas and spreadsheets popping up. The first investment in a business is usually the purchasing of a quality work computer, even before the entrepreneur cuts loose to dedicate all their time to building their empire. It’s also unfortunately common that the first disaster for a business is a computer crash, and if you haven’t been strategic in your data storage you can lose everything, from customer details to invoices and MYOB data. It is absolutely critical you develop a computer disaster recovery plan early in your business’s life, even before you hire a regular IT support person and regularly revisit and update your plan. We’ve put together some guidelines that will help you assemble your plan.

There are three key stages to consider in a discovery recovery plan. Preparing and trying to avert a computer disaster, during the disaster and after the disaster.
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