Working From Home–Benefits and Disadvantages

How many time have you woken up, stretched, and thought–‘I wish I didn’t have to go into the office today!’ For some people, this is a reality, and their business can be conducted primarily from the comfort of their own home. If you’re a writer, artist, designer or photographer, along with a whole host of other less rigid careers, you probably have the option of operating as a sole trader and working from your house. With the Internet making instant communication a lot easier, even roles that traditionally were situated in offices can now be performed just as well from home. While the idea of not getting out of your pajamas to start work and being able to sit on your couch rather than an office chair might be hugely appealing to the average nine-to-fiver, there are some disadvantages as well, and it’s a decision that must be made on a case by case basis. Apart from a reliable computer support company (can’t have your link to the main office being severed!) and a strong work ethic, there are certain elements that have to be in place before you can successfully earn a living from home.

A dedicated space

One of the disadvantages of working from home is that it can be hugely difficult to ‘switch off’ and stop working. Because there’s not a geographical difference between home and the office, it can be frustrating and confusing trying to define ‘work time’ and ‘home time’. Add to this the fact that freelancers and sole traders are usually paid per unit of work they complete, and the temptation is there to keep working much longer hours. In order to combat this, a dedicated space should be set up that is purely for working. Don’t expect that you can simply sit on the couch and type away for eight hours, and then magically transform the couch back into a relaxation space when you’re done. The discipline required to complete autonomous work is a lot easier to achieve when you separate your mindsets and maintain strict work and relaxation hours.

Stimulating Interaction

Working from home can also be very lonely, and we often don;t realise how much the atmosphere of a creative space spurs us on. While being in the office might be tiresome at times, the general ambiance of work and adrenalin can fuel ideas, not to mention the way collaboration can shape projects. To make sure you’re still getting this stimulation while working at home, it’s a good idea to schedule face-to-face meetings with clients where possible or try to get into the office at regular intervals just to soak up the atmosphere. Many workers choose to work from home most of the week and then from the office once or twice. This can be the perfect setup for everyone.

Reliable Connections

If you’re an employee of a company working from home, or even a contractor whose been brought on-board for a short period of time, it’s crucial that you have open access to the files and data you need. The easiest way to do this is to create an access link between your computer and the shared drive in the office. Having a good IT support service to ensure this access is readily available and reliable means that you won;t have to interrupt your valuable time by fiddling around with technicalities.

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